Coconut Cupcakes

Shame on me, I'm just not blogging enough at the moment ...
Anyway, here's something delicious:
After I finally bought a mini-plate for mini-muffins, I have the baking directly with one of my favorite cupcakes Tried recipes.

For about 12 minis:
50 g butter and Slowly melt 50g of white couverture and allow to cool again.
1 egg along with 50g of sugar whip up and stir into a smooth cream, then stir in the butter mixture.
50 g of flour with 50 g of coconut flakes (i had sweetened American, so maybe increase the amount of sugar when using normal) with 1/2 tsp of baking soda and mix everything together to a homogenous dough.
dough on the mini-fo Distribute the mixture and bake for approx. 15 minutes at 175 ° C top and bottom heat (150 ° C convection).
For frosting 100 g Philadelphia Serve creamy with 50 g powdered sugar and 50 g coconut grated and sprinkle on the cupcakes.